
From gateway course to advanced seminars and senior prizes

Generative Perspectives and Dialogues

Grounded in the shared gateway course AMS 101 / ASA 101 / LAO 101: “Comparative Perspectives on Power, Resistance and Change” our undergraduate certificate programs offer courses of study for thinking across the arts, humanities and social and natural sciences, drawing on a wide range of scholarly methods and theories to engage with the complex and essential questions that shape the Americas and the world.

In-depth Study

In our advanced seminars, students synthesize disparate elements into sustained arguments, focusing on key issues through the lens of course topics such as voting rights, the cultural sway of multinational conglomerates, and food and the environment.

Certificate students complete innovative theses in departments and schools across the University. Each spring, we come together to honor their work with Class Day prizes.

Certificate Programs

Students in the News