Asian American Studies Lecture Series: Allan Punzalan Isaac

Apr 19, 2018, 4:30 pm6:00 pm
Jones Hall, Room 100



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Allan Punzalan Isaac

Allan Punzalan Isaac

Allan Punzalan Isaac. Photo by Steve Goodman

Allan Punzalan Isaac specializes in Asian American, comparative ethnic and postcolonial aspects of contemporary American literary and cultural studies. His book American Tropics: Articulating Filipino America (University of Minnesota Press, 2006) received the Association for Asian American Studies Cultural Studies Book Award. In 2003-04, he was a Senior Fulbright Scholar at DeLaSalle University-Taft in Manila, Philippines. He received his B.A. from Williams College and his Ph.D. in comparative literature from NYU. He teaches a broad range of courses in theory and literature, Asian American studies, critical race theory, law and literature, and comparative race studies.

His new book project on which this lecture is based, “Beside/Time: Vital Time, Vital Proximities in the Filipino Labor Diaspora,” explores how paracapitalist forms of living — cultural forms that are shaped by capital relations but are not necessary to sustain them — produce new intimacies and alternative temporalities found in offshore affective work in the Philippines and various diasporic sites. These temporal diversions within labor-time in affective work acknowledge the multiple labor in value production that rethinks the "socially necessary" in labor time. These reconfigurations produce various forms of precarious proximity and intimacy across multiple temporalities that illuminate new subjects and subjectivities not otherwise recognizable or legible to capital.

  • Program in American Studies
  • Department of African American Studies
  • Department of English
  • Department of History
  • Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies