Exploring American Jewish Studies
Lectures and discussions traverse literature, music, performance, history, art, law and politics.
Performance studies scholar Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett spoke in 2017 on “Theater of History: Performing the Past in American Jewish Museums.”
Studies of Popular Culture, Memory and the Present
Supported by a grant by Sidney and Ruth Lapidus and their family
Supported by the Lapidus Family Fund, the Effron Center for the Study of America collaborates with the Program in Judaic Studies to offer courses and events related to American Jewish studies.
Recent Lectures
Spring 2019 Lapidus Lecture in American Jewish Studies: Rachel Rubinstein
Professor of American Literature and Jewish Studies, Hampshire College
“The Yiddish Columbus: Critical Counter-History and the Remapping of American Jewish Literature”
Fall 2018 Lapidus Lecture in American Jewish Studies: Josh Lambert
Visiting Lecturer in American Studies; Academic Director, Yiddish Book Center
“Rebooting Jewish Television: ‘Transparent,’ Streaming Media, and Foundation-Backed Culture”
Spring 2018 Lapidus Lecture in American Jewish Studies: Lila Corwin Berman
- AffiliationProfessor of History; Murray Friedman Chair of American Jewish History, Temple UniversityPresentation“‘The Right and the Left Yell at Us, So We Must Be Doing Something Well’: The Depoliticization of American Jewish Politics and Philanthropy”
- AffiliationProfessor of History